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Volunteers Needed

Date: January 09, 2024

Please keep in mind that we have a growing community and what makes a successful event or community function involves volunteers. We only have a handful of volunteers that sacrifice their time, money and ideas for the good of the community so response time and event planning can be limited. Many homeowners have great ideas for the community, and I do appreciate the feedback, yet planning and getting support from others can sometimes be a challenge. 

I’m very grateful for the faithful handful of volunteers in the community and no event or community function can happen without these amazing people. All volunteers positions and even my volunteer community representative position is all done for free. Please keep in mind that all the volunteers have paying daytime jobs and other life commitments yet still divide their time and resources to give back to the community. If anyone would like to join the team of volunteers, please contact me by email. 

Many are asking about 2024 community garage sale event. We are planning this event as we speak and will have the details out this week. Please remember that Facebook is not my primary means of communication, but you can always reach me by email as many homeowners have taken advantage of this option.

Thank you again!! Let’s continue to do great things!!!!


Winn Ridge HOA

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