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Notice of Intent for Denton ISD to Begin Construction

Published: June 09, 2022

As you are all aware, Denton ISD is planning on the opening of its 25th elementary campus, to be known as Sandbrock Ranch Elementary School, within the Sandbrock Ranch Development in August of 2022. Since the first campus connectivity project in 2005, Denton ISD has continued the outreach of their fiber network by connecting all campuses in order to meet the ever changing requirements of, both, their staff and students. For each of these groups of people the reliability on the fiber network has increased with each passing year. HMI Utilities is the school district’s chosen contractor to complete the design and build of this endeavor.

The challenge with each new school that is planned is how the connectivity process is accomplished. Many things are considered and weighed before a final plan is derived. Ultimately, it comes down to what is allowed by any of the regulatory bodies that may be impacted by a fiber infrastructure build. Denton ISD and HMI Utilities have been working with the City of Aubrey on the proposed build within the Winn Ridge development. Our proposed route will be placing the fiber infrastructure along the west and north side of Winn Ridge Boulevard within the street right-of-way and along the west side of Biggs Avenue within an existing utility easement. The placement process will be done by a directional drill with excavation holes being done by a mini-excavator. Additionally, all existing utilities that may be crossed in the proposed pathway will be dug up and exposed for depth verification.

Our goal is to complete this process as quickly as possible and to have a minimal impact on all homeowners and the association. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call or email.

Click here to download and read the Letter to Winn Ridge Homeowners Association - Denton ISD Fiber Connectivity to Sandbrock Ranch Elementary School 06-07-2022

Winn Ridge HOA

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